Real Time Decisions

Visitors from the world

Friday, July 31, 2009

In God's hands...

Thank God for taking care of my baby
So far away yet always in my mind
Back from a trip
In the hot zone
Where disease is rife
Oh how little we know
God lends us an unknown time here on earth
From the time of our birth
The path is laid before us
Till the day we die
We make decisions all our lives
Taking us on the twist and turns of our life
Good or bad they shape us
Driving us to our final place
Make the most of all your time
Love without boundaries
Live without regrets
For one day
Our Father will call us back
And all the opportunities will be gone
To say "I Love You"

Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thank God for arranging the plumbler !

Sometimes in life things really go south like the air conditioner just when you are about to go the bed and you a really in need to hit the sack !

Thank God for allowing the plumber to come today to fix it so that at least tonight we can get some peace and quiet sleep.

Sometimes we need God to come in to fix us up when things really hit the fan to bring back that peaceful sleep...

Thursday, July 23, 2009

Blessings of a new day

Thanks to God for a new day where we can grow more ...
Although dark clouds loom and issues bloom
We still know that God's blessings will still be here
Each and everyday...
Have a blessed day !

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

His Angels will take care of you

Thank God for sending his Angels to take care of my dear.
My girlfriend is traveling to the States for the first time and was quite anxious as this was unknown territory. Normally she would do the online check in and get a seat further up front of the aircraft but some how this time, she forgot and got the pre-assigned set near the galley and engine. Being quite noisy, she requested to change seat and was told that this could be done once the crew changed in Japan. She was moved forward to a vacant seat which happen to be next to another person from her company who was also traveling to the same event.

This person guided her through the airport changes and helped her get to the correct terminal for the connecting domestic flight.

Everything happens for a reason which we will never see ahead of time...have faith and God will see you through.

Saturday, July 18, 2009

God's direction

Things always happen for a reason. The toilet on the floor that we normally goto in the mall was under maintenance so we decided to go to the floor below. While waiting for mum, I dropped into the Tower records store on the corner. Surprisingly it was closing down and there were tons of great bargains on CDs. What grand timing and great blessing from God.
Thank you for your blessings.

Friday, July 17, 2009

No short cuts

Guess sometimes we do not listen when God speaks to us...the other day when I got my daily reading e-mail, the topic was about taking short cuts which cause us to stray from the path. Little did I know that this would be so real as I took a short cut to a car parking space and nearly met with an accident. Sometimes we look but do not see, listen but do not hear...
Thanks God for his wisdom and grace to see us through.

Wednesday, July 8, 2009

Thank God for his little angels

Thank God for those little angels he sends every day, to bring us up, to inspire us and help us along the way. Some people look for great miracles but miss the little blessings of these little angels that bring you laughter and hope every day.
God bless.

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Another Saturday full of blessings

Thank God for another wonderful Saturday...for getting everything done on time
for the cool breeze to cool me down and the gentle clouds which shaded me. Thank you God for the good meals we had and getting the table without having to wait.