Real Time Decisions

Visitors from the world

Tuesday, July 21, 2009

His Angels will take care of you

Thank God for sending his Angels to take care of my dear.
My girlfriend is traveling to the States for the first time and was quite anxious as this was unknown territory. Normally she would do the online check in and get a seat further up front of the aircraft but some how this time, she forgot and got the pre-assigned set near the galley and engine. Being quite noisy, she requested to change seat and was told that this could be done once the crew changed in Japan. She was moved forward to a vacant seat which happen to be next to another person from her company who was also traveling to the same event.

This person guided her through the airport changes and helped her get to the correct terminal for the connecting domestic flight.

Everything happens for a reason which we will never see ahead of time...have faith and God will see you through.

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