Real Time Decisions

Visitors from the world

Thursday, April 29, 2010

Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you Hebrews 13:5

"Never will I leave you; never will I forsake you"
(Hebrews 13:5).

Such a powerful and wonderful promise. No other place can you find this promise.
Even in your deepest troubles and your darkest moments, you can always fall back on this promise to be assured that God will always be with you, although thing do not seem to be how you want them to be. Each circumstance is neither good or bad. It is just something we have to go through because of decisions that have been made, of actions that have been taken, of paths we have taken. We just have to have faith that God will see us through what ever lies ahead.

Wednesday, April 28, 2010

Lady GAGA and the Devil ?

Was shared this video on Lady Gaga's connection with the Devil. Musicians and their music have always been connected to the Devil from the famous Eagles's Hotel California to Queen's Bohemian Rapsody. So is there any truth to all these findings ? Guess that depends on what you believe. If you believe that there is demonic influences at work then these are true, if you do not then these are just findings that look for too much meaning in things.

All said, we should give thanks to God for the ability to reason and to make up our own minds. To live a life on what we choose to believe and what we wish to have influence on our lives.

Tuesday, April 27, 2010

A call for help

After a scary moment last week when if seemed like mum's neck was getting worse, God sent an angel in the form of a good doctor who not only administered medicine but also some patient words which hopefully healed the soul as well. Now it seems like great strides in improvement of her health.

In life there are no magical miracles...only the miracles of life that God has granted. It only need us to take a momement to look around and see the miracles that God does every day. From the moment you wake up and take a breath is a miracle in it's self. Give thanks for the simple things for it is in these that you find God's hand.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Removing the dirt with a brush and a little effort

While tidying up the bath room today. I thought I would try to clean some shampoo bottles which were looking pretty grimy. The bottoms were looking really black and horrible. I was thinking that this would not come off and it was a stain on the bottles. Lo and behold as I took the brush to them, the grim came off fairly easily.

How often we have not changed a bad habit because we thought that it was too ingrained or moulded into us that it would be impossible to remove it ? In the same way, all that was needed was a little bit of effort to remove it and pherhaps a little help from a brush that cleans all sins. We can view God as the brush that helps us to clean up our lives but only if we make the effort to do something about it.

The brush has been sitting in my bathroom all this time, but if I did not use it to clean the bottles, it will still sit there and the bottles will remain as dirty and grimy as they were and even get more dirty as time went on.

Get that brush out today and clean up your act. Only you can make things happen ...

Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Age and deterioration of the body

Seems like what ever we do we can never turn back time. Time moves at a constant pace ever relentless, every moving. Watching my mum slowly deteriote is tough and knowing what could be ahead is scary. I have to place my faith in God that he will be there to hold my hand in these tough days to see me true.

I have to give thanks for the daily blessings that she is still mobile and can still handle the basic chores and taking care of herself. Each and every day that she can still move without assistance and has good coherance is a blessing.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Volcanic ash paralyzes half the world - an sign ?

These few days most of Europe has been paralyzed by an event which happened in Iceland. A volcano decided to spew ash into the atmosphere. This event has stopped all air traffic to and from Europe. Air travel, the pinnacle of mans technology advancement totally stopped. Could this be a warning of how fragile our efforts and advancements are in the light of the big picture ? Could this be a way of God trying to highlight to us our insignificance in believing that how great we are ?

It is a sobering thought especially in the light of the number of earthquakes happening in the world at this time. What we put our faith in especially if it is man made, may be more fragile then we know. In a blink of an eye it can be made useless and redundant.

My thoughts and prayers go out to all those who have been stranded by the global event and may they get safely home.

Thursday, April 15, 2010

Crossroads - a choice of paths

Sometimes we reach a crossroads where we need to make a decision. Sometimes it is a simple on - left or right.

The other day I had planned my route and was thinking I need to stop by the petrol station on my way to fill up my tank so I needed to go right as I exited the shopping mall rather then the usual left turn that I normally make to take me on a route to the petrol station. I kept reminding myself as I got into the car and on my way down the ramp as I tended to be on "Auto Pilot" at times. As I reached the junction at the bottom of the ramp, something prodded me that I should go left. It was a strong feeling so I made the decision to turn left instead of right, even though I had planned this and had constantly reminded myself of this all morning.

Heading out onto the main road, on my way to my next destination, I passed another petrol station which I turned in to fill my tank. I had overlooked this petrol station in my planning of my route. Definitely this was more on the way to where I was going. It also avoided the school traffic at this time of the day.

Sometimes even the smallest decisions we will get a prompting for God. It is our decision if we want to listen and heed the prompt. When we say that we don't hear God, could it be that we have too much noise in our lives or we don''t listen hard enough ?

If he can lead us in the simple things, what more in the larger things ?

Monday, April 12, 2010

God's will

"This, then, is how you should pray: 'Our Father in Heaven, hallowed be Your name, Your Kingdom come, Your will be done on earth as it is in Heaven'" (Matthew 6:9-10).

Our burdens sometimes seem so overwhelming and we think that we are unable to bear. Jesus knew his destiny on the cross and accepted the path he had to take. Should we do any less ? It seems easy to say, but what ever each of us face in our daily lives, we know the weight that we bear. God also knows and has promised that we will not face more then we can bear.

When it seems darkest, we need to give thanks for without the darkness, we cannot appreciate the light and the blessings that God gives us. So in that darkest moment, give thanks for the trials and the weight placed upon you so that you can recognize the light and blessings given to you.

Saturday, April 10, 2010

Of thoughts and dreams

Sometimes watching all the talent shows like American Idol, Americas Got Talent and so forth, I do wonder do we strive to gain acceptance and fame from everyone or are we happy to be who we were made to be ?
I sure God had a plan for each and every one of us from the beginning and we need to figure this out. But sometimes the plan is not clear for us and we go every where to find it. Is this the way we should go. Is this part of the plan ? Some of us are made to be famous and to use the fame to do God's work. Some of us need to play the support role in the background. But how do we find out which role are we ?

This is a challenging question that we all need to find our own answer. But we should remember that we should give thanks for the gifts that we have been given and ensure that we use them to our fullest ability. For if we do not, then we are not fulfilling the plan that has been laid for us.

Wednesday, April 7, 2010

Earthquake in Indonesia

Todays news of the earthquake in Indonesia reminds us how fragile our earth is and how our life is not our own. Everything is in Gods plan. An earthquake is neither good or evil . It is just an event to shake us from our complacentcy and to remind us that we do not control everything in our lives.

In today's Daily Wisdom reading which I get in the mail, it has an appropriate message in Not To Give Up. No matter what the circumstances are, the trials and tribulations, there is a reason for this. God knows our limits and in his greater plan has plotted our path for us. So let us renew our faith and work daily to renew our relationship with God and have faith in his plans for us.

Sunday, April 4, 2010


On this Easter Day 
I remember the sacrifice of our Lord
Who sent his one and only son
Jesus Christ to Earth
To be crucified
And risen up again
By his grace 
To provide salvation for you and me

On this Easter day 
I renew my pledge 
And seek God's help and guidance
To be inspired and have the knowledge
To grow this blog 
To spread his love
To share his grace
Across the land

As Christ has risen
I dedicate the resurrection of this blog to him