Real Time Decisions

Visitors from the world

Thursday, June 24, 2010

Time or lack of it

Time or the lack of it seems to be the order of the day.
We thank God for the time that we have but we also pray for more time
Yet the time give to us by God
Is the same for everyone
And some people achieve more with the same
Then others
So we should also thank God for the shortage of time
To be able to appreciate this precious gift given to us
For it should not be wasted
And should always be treasured
Fully utilized
And also enojoyed
For this is the time
That God has given to us

Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Robert Green, the World Cup and God

Yes even the most non sporty person in the world is aware of the World Cup currently going on in South Africa and more than likely also heard of the terrible blunder made my Robert Green in the opening match for England when they faced the USA.

Imagine the anguish experienced by Robert as this happened on such a grand world stage and at a crucial point in his career. All of us make mistakes. But the amount of criticisms and blame that have been leveled at him, it would seem like a great weight has been placed at his feet. For all the England fans and critics alike to forgive his error and let him move on will be a huge hill to climb.

Similarly in our lives, we will have a moment like this where we stumble and fall. All the good that we have done before will count for nought.

It might be something very small or simple that becomes a huge thing. Isn't it blessed for us to know that God will always forgive us if we are repented ? That is a true blessing that we should not take of granted for we are sure to fumble the ball maybe more then once.

Count your blessing that we have a forgiving God.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Thanks for car parking space

Yes I give thanks for car parking space. This may seem like a trivial thing but is something we take for granted. Every day we go about our business and  look for car parking space, without  a thought that every time we find one, it is a blessing. How often we really needed a space near the entrance and we get it ?

Take for example today. I took my mum to for her follow up check up at the clinic and as expected the car park was packed with people double parking every where. I prayed that we could find a spot. Then I spotted a lady who was heading to her car and she indicated that she was going out. The space was also at the end of the row and thus wider then the rest, which allowed mum to fully open the car door to get out.

Then after the checkup, we went for lunch at the mall. I planned to use the central lift which would take us directly to the bank and to the place where we plan to eat. Again God provided a parking space near the lift.

Yes these are the small miracles that we take for granted.

Saturday, June 12, 2010

World Cup Joy and Sadness

As we give thanks for the joy of the World Cup, we also need to give thanks for Nelson Mandela who has sacrificed so much for South Africa and brought his country together after years of isolation under apartheid to come on to the world stage. His latest tragedy was the death of his great grand daughter Zenani Mandela in a road accident after returning from the World Cup kick off concert.

Spare a thought and prayer for a man who has given so much to inspire so many.

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gods gift of precious moments

Thank God for the small miracles in my life.
After mum's scare falling down and landing up in hospital for a week, she has made great strides in recovery thanks to God's grace. It has been two week since she has been discharged and returned home. She now can walk quite steadily by herself and is able to eat her food with a good appetite. Her condition is good enough for me to be able to comfortably leave her for short periods of time at home while I attend to the daily errands. I was also able to spend some time with my girlfriend who came back from Singapore and attend a former colleagues wedding.

All of which would not have been possible without God's grace. 2 weeks ago I was starring at a huge hill which I could not see over. Day by day God provided the strength and peace to be able to cope with the situation. Each step is a small miracle and each day is a small miracle.