Real Time Decisions

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Thursday, April 15, 2010

Crossroads - a choice of paths

Sometimes we reach a crossroads where we need to make a decision. Sometimes it is a simple on - left or right.

The other day I had planned my route and was thinking I need to stop by the petrol station on my way to fill up my tank so I needed to go right as I exited the shopping mall rather then the usual left turn that I normally make to take me on a route to the petrol station. I kept reminding myself as I got into the car and on my way down the ramp as I tended to be on "Auto Pilot" at times. As I reached the junction at the bottom of the ramp, something prodded me that I should go left. It was a strong feeling so I made the decision to turn left instead of right, even though I had planned this and had constantly reminded myself of this all morning.

Heading out onto the main road, on my way to my next destination, I passed another petrol station which I turned in to fill my tank. I had overlooked this petrol station in my planning of my route. Definitely this was more on the way to where I was going. It also avoided the school traffic at this time of the day.

Sometimes even the smallest decisions we will get a prompting for God. It is our decision if we want to listen and heed the prompt. When we say that we don't hear God, could it be that we have too much noise in our lives or we don''t listen hard enough ?

If he can lead us in the simple things, what more in the larger things ?

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