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Saturday, August 29, 2009

Blessing in not having to build an Ark...

It has been raining for almost 3 days non stop here and the thought did cross my mind that it may be prudent to start building an ark like Noah!

On the way to my old house, it was pouring down and mum said that she prayed for the rain to stop by the time we got to our destination. In my moment of lack of faith, I was thinking, it's been raining for so many days already, it's not going to stop. Foolish me, sure enough by the time we reached our destination, the sun shone brightly and as if the tap was turned off.

Keeping in mind God's promise that the flood on that scale would not happen again, I felt re-assured that when ever things look bleak, there's always that promise to keep me going. The sun will eventually shine and everything will work out.

Now thats a thought to share....

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