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Monday, October 5, 2009

A new day dawns - a day to be thankful

As one of my friends pointed out, we here in Malaysia are most fortunate as twice we have been protected from the full force of the earthquake that brought so much destruction in Indonesia, through the upheaval and the following Tsunami. The Indonesian mainland protected us from the full force of the earthquake and the Tsunami that followed thus sparing us from the full impact of the devastation.

While India, Philippines and Taiwan bear the brunt of the Typhoon and storms that afflict us, all we have to moan about is getting stuck in traffic jams due to rain.

We need to give thanks to God for the blessing of protecting us in these times of climatic upheavals.

Also after watching the movie Darfur Now, we should also be more appreciative of the life that we have, of abundance and comfort, free from persecution and having food on our tables. Essential watching for anyone.

Please be thankful and take a moment to thank God for your life and what you have.

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