Real Time Decisions

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Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Robert Green, the World Cup and God

Yes even the most non sporty person in the world is aware of the World Cup currently going on in South Africa and more than likely also heard of the terrible blunder made my Robert Green in the opening match for England when they faced the USA.

Imagine the anguish experienced by Robert as this happened on such a grand world stage and at a crucial point in his career. All of us make mistakes. But the amount of criticisms and blame that have been leveled at him, it would seem like a great weight has been placed at his feet. For all the England fans and critics alike to forgive his error and let him move on will be a huge hill to climb.

Similarly in our lives, we will have a moment like this where we stumble and fall. All the good that we have done before will count for nought.

It might be something very small or simple that becomes a huge thing. Isn't it blessed for us to know that God will always forgive us if we are repented ? That is a true blessing that we should not take of granted for we are sure to fumble the ball maybe more then once.

Count your blessing that we have a forgiving God.

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