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Wednesday, June 9, 2010

Gods gift of precious moments

Thank God for the small miracles in my life.
After mum's scare falling down and landing up in hospital for a week, she has made great strides in recovery thanks to God's grace. It has been two week since she has been discharged and returned home. She now can walk quite steadily by herself and is able to eat her food with a good appetite. Her condition is good enough for me to be able to comfortably leave her for short periods of time at home while I attend to the daily errands. I was also able to spend some time with my girlfriend who came back from Singapore and attend a former colleagues wedding.

All of which would not have been possible without God's grace. 2 weeks ago I was starring at a huge hill which I could not see over. Day by day God provided the strength and peace to be able to cope with the situation. Each step is a small miracle and each day is a small miracle.

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