Real Time Decisions

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Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Pakistan's only Christian member of government is assasinated

Was to sad to hear of the assassination of the only Christian member of government in Pakistan, Shahbaz Bhatti. It is unfortunate that a minority's actions bring about a bad reputation for the Muslim world as they use violence for anything that they disagree with. Unlike normal rational people who can argue with words and look for compromise in any situation, these people prefer to maim and kill through the rocket, bombs and gun. They do not do their religion any favours by advocating hatred in the name of religion and target people based on their religious views.

Although God teaches us to turn the other cheek, our human side sometimes bears a huge weight and struggle to forgive and offer the other cheek. Guess this is the eternal struggle that we must endure to show the world that there is a better way to resolve issues and that the love that God gives us over comes all.

1Corinthians 13:1-3 that we might understand how we can always act as Christ would have us too

I know many of our Muslim friends who have been shocked and outraged at these people who have hijacked the headlines and perverted the image of their religion, have also struggled with the reputation that has been thrust upon them.

We can only hope the the more well balanced and rational majority will prevail against these minority.

For our part we will continue to pray and perservere in the knowledge our God is an Almighty and Loving God and his plans our beyond our comprehension. How these events play out in the bigger picture, only time will tell.

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